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Tretinoin Journey: 4 Years of Glow-Up

Embarking on a journey with Tretinoin has been a transformative experience over the past four years. From the very first application, I began to notice gradual changes in my skin's texture and overall appearance. With consistent use, my skin has evolved, revealing a more radiant and youthful glow that I had previously thought was unattainable. The journey hasn't always been smooth, but the results have truly been worth the dedication and commitment.

I’ve been using Tretinoin in my everyday routine for the past 4 years. During this time frame, there was a lot of trial and error, but I persevered and learned valuable lessons along the way. Since I’ve been using Tretinoin I can’t really say that I’ve switched up a lot with my routine since I found a lot of my core products and techniques in the early stages.  

For a backstory, I invite you to check out my previous blog posts.

Why I started using Tretinoin, what I did to prepare my skin, How I use Tretinoin in my everyday Routine

This post details my Nightly Skincare Routines while using Tretinoin, How My skin has responded over the years usage, Product Favorites

What is Tretinoin?

Tretinoin is a topical retinoid derived from vitamin A, used primarily to treat acne, reduce fine lines, and improve skin texture. You may be wondering if Tretinoin and Retinol are the same, but they are not the same. Retinol is a naturally derived from vitamin A, while Tretinoin is a synthetic form. It’s also important to note that Tretinoin is significantly stronger than retinol and requires a prescription. During the first couple of weeks, it’s expected to experience dryness, redness, and peeling as the skin adjusts to the formula. The peeling factor is something I still experience to this day, but only in a few areas of my face.


Double Cleansing Routine

It’s recommended that Tretinoin only be used at night due to its potential to increase sun sensitivity, which can make your skin more vulnerable to UV damage during the day. With that being said, using sunscreen during the day is extremely important. For my double cleansing prior to using Tretinoin, I try to only use gentle skincare products.

Check out the video for the demo of my double cleansing routine

My Double Cleansing Process

First Cleanse: Use an oil-based cleanser to breakdown and remove makeup, sunscreen, and excess sebum from the skin. This step helps to cleanse the skin without stripping the skin.

Second Cleanse: I then follow up with a water-based cleanser (like a gel or foam cleanser) to remove any remaining residue and cleanse the skin further. This step helps to clear away sweat, dirt, and any leftover impurities.

Personally, I prefer cleansing balms just a tad bit more than cleansing oils but is fine. As for my second cleanser, I typically reach for a milky or gel consistency. My cleansers tend to vary with the season and how my skin is currently doing. For instance, during the summer months my skin is on the oilier side, so I opt for a gel-based cleanser for second cleanse, whereas during the winter months when the weather is cooler and drier, I typically like to reach for hydrating cleansers.

How I Prepare My Skin for the Tretinoin Application

Check out the video for application demo

My goal during this portion of my routine is to properly hydrate my skin and maintain a healthy barrier for my skin.

 + Toner preference a hydrating toner that is free of any of other active ingredients (i.e., AHA’s, BHA’s, benzoyl peroxide, etc.)

 + Serums/Moisturizer  – based on how dry my skin is depends on what type of product I’ll use before applying Tretinoin. During the summer months, I typically reach for light hydrating serums that contain some type of barrier support. For the winter months, I may also include a salve on dry areas of my face that tend to peel like my nose and the corners of mouth.

 + Eye Cream is not a necessity, but I do like using it for hydration and as a light barrier against Tretinoin even though I’m not directly applying it this area.


To help reduce irritation, it’s often recommended to apply tretinoin on clean, dry skin, and wait 20-30 minutes before applying the tretinoin to the skin. The recommended amount is a pea-size and believe me a little goes a long way! I dot the Tretinoin on different areas of my face to ensure that I’m applying an even amount. This method also helps for me to avoid sensitive areas of my face like the eyes, mouth area and personally the septum area of my nose.

I personally prefer the sandwich method for applying tretinoin. During the warm months or if my skin is not feeling dry, I opt for a serum first, which is more of a layering technique. But during the winter months I tend to do the full sandwich method.

Listed below are several methods to apply Tretinoin:

+ Traditional Application: Cleanse your skin, wait for it to dry, then apply a pea-sized amount of tretinoin evenly over your face.

Best For: Standard use and direct application to target areas.

+ Buffering Method (Sandwich Method): Apply a light moisturizer before applying tretinoin. This can help reduce irritation, especially for those new to the product.

Best For: Sensitive skin or those experiencing dryness or irritation.

+ Spot Treatment: Use a small amount of tretinoin on specific problem areas (like active breakouts) rather than your entire face.

Best For: Targeting occasional blemishes without overwhelming the skin.

+ Mixing with Moisturizer: Mix a small amount of tretinoin with your moisturizer in your palm before applying it to your face.

Best For: Reducing potential irritation while still gaining the benefits of tretinoin

+ Layering Technique: Apply a hydrating serum first, then wait a few minutes before applying tretinoin.

Best For: Those looking to boost hydration and minimize irritation while using tretinoin.

Skin Barrier Support

The skin barrier is essential for maintaining overall skin health and protection against various environmental factors. By providing dedicated skin barrier support, you can help strengthen this vital layer, ensuring that it effectively locks in moisture while keeping harmful irritants and allergens at bay. This support is crucial for achieving a balanced and resilient complexion, leading to healthier-looking skin over time.

When looking for barrier support products, I’m specifically looking for ingredients that often include ceramides, essential fatty acids, and various humectants that work together to strengthen the skin's natural barrier while providing long-lasting moisture. A well-formulated product can make a significant difference in maintaining healthy, resilient skin.


Tretinoin Frequency

As per my dermatologist, I was told that I can use Tretinoin daily. Initially I was advised to start off slowly – like once or twice a week. This allows the skin to gradually adjust to the medication. If you experience excessive dryness, it’s recommended to reduce the frequency or trying one of the application methods that I mentioned above. Moisturizers are very important in routines using Tretinoin and even with the routines when you’re not.  For my Tretinoin routine, I opt for moisturizers that are free of harsh actives that are super moisturizing.

As for how many times a week I use it, I use Tretinoin 0.05mg 3x a week. This is the frequency I’ve maintained for the past 2 years. To make it easier for me to remember, I tend to use in on the same days every week (Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays). The times that I’ve tried using it more I found that my skin felt extremely dry and irritated. Being that this is my 4th year of using Tretinoin,  I may try to up the frequency to 4x a week with the extra day doing more of the method of mixing it in with my moisturizer.

Some of the Challenges That I’ve Experienced While Using Tretinoin

Challenge: Understanding Proper Dosage and Usage

Solution: I conducted thorough research and consulted my dermatologist to clarify the best practices. I also developed a personalized dosage and schedule based on my skin's response.

Challenge: Initial Skin Irritation and Dryness

Solution: I began with a lower frequency of tretinoin and gradually increased it. Incorporating a gentle moisturizer and barrier repair products has helped soothe my skin during that adjustment period.

Challenge: Confusion About Combining Products Tretinoin with Other Products

Solution: I simplified my skincare regimen by researching compatible products and spacing out the use of others to minimize irritation. I’ve also been using lower strengths of products that contain alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs), beta hydroxy acids (BHAs), or benzoyl peroxide in my other routines.

Overall Thoughts on Tretinoin

Overall, these past few years I’ve noticed such a significant and positive change with my skin while consistently using Tretinoin, which has truly transformed my complexion and boosted my confidence. I initially started using it during the pandemic when I was dealing with a lot of underneath the skin blemishes. For those that don’t know, these spots tend to be very painful and very hard to alleviate as they don’t have a head and can’t be popped. I still have an underneath the skin blemish here and there, but no way on the same level prior to my Tretinoin usage.

Tretinoin is also well-known for its effectiveness in helping reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, making it a popular choice among those seeking to achieve smoother and more youthful-looking skin. I can confidently say that I haven’t noticed any new fine lines appearing since I have been using this product consistently. Personally, Tretinoin has effectively stopped me from feeling the need to pursue botox injections and other various beauty treatments that I may have once considered. Its impact on my skin has significantly changed my perspective on skincare.

I really hope this check-in post helps you navigate your Tretinoin journey effectively. Remember, progress takes time, and every small step counts toward achieving your skincare goals. If there’s anything specific that I didn’t cover in this post and you would like to know more about, please feel free to let me know in the comments section! Your feedback is always welcome.