Self-Care Sundays | My Sunday Routine
Self-Care Sunday is often associated with Sundays as people generally spend their Sunday’s prepping for the week ahead. For some this may include cleaning, cooking, laundry or other lifestyle related activities. But the overall goal is to engage in activities that will help aid in your mental, physical and emotional growth.
Photo Credit: found on Pinterest
What is Self-care?
According to Oxford Dictionaries, The practice of self-care can be described as taking action to preserve or improve one’s own health”. I like to think of Self-Care as the time that is used to take care of one’s self. The notion, at least to me, does not have a by-the-book definition detailing exactly what acts of self-care may look like. How its’s intrepreted is different with every person.
Disclaimer: This post is my personal views on how I interpret and fulfill self-care. My remedies are temporary fixes that may help with various emotions, conditions and etc. If you believe that you may be suffering from depression, I would advise you to seek professional help.
The title “Self-Care Sunday’s” had reached my radar through being an active member of the Beauty Community on Instagram. But in reality it’s a practice that I’m very familiar with as it’s been instilled in me through early childhood. I can recall many weekends, especially Sundays, watching my parent’s prepare the general household along with my sisters and I for the week to come. A big meal was always cooked early. My parent’s would also prepare my sisters and I for the upcoming week by doing our hair, helping us pick out our clothing for the week and ensuring that our homework was completed.
The title, Self-Care, may seem like it’s pretty self-explanatory, but there’s way more to the the title. My version of self-care has a lot to do of what was instilled in me by observing my parents over the years, and is even more heavily surrounded by beauty care, of course.
Types Of Self Care and Examples
Sensory -This could be lying down and listening to music
Emotional - Writing in a journal or even singing out loud
Spiritual- Mediating or praying
Physical - Working out or even taking a nap
Social - Interacting with someone in person or even over the phone
Listed above are some of my favorite self-care practices. The benefits of self-care for me can be reflected through heightened productivity. For me a good self-care routine can help to improve my mental, physical and emotional stability.
My Sunday Self-Care Routine
I really try my best to sleep in on Sundays. At the current time this is the only time I have in my schedule to really do so. Shortly after I wake up I make myself coffee and breakfast. On Sunday’s I’ll usually take the time to make myself a breakfast that consists more than just a bowl of cereal. Sometimes I’ll go out to brunch.
I may do some work for the blog. Usually by Sunday I’ll decide what pictures and other tasks that may be needed for the blog for the upcoming week. When the weather is nice, I like to go on long walks to Home Goods and Target (lol). I’m really trying to soak up these last warm days left in New York. The long walks are great for exercise and also great for clearing my mind. I guess you can this is a form of relaxation for me.
If the weather is nasty out, I’ll light a candle and cuddle up in the couch. The perfect way to Netflix N Chill the day away. I may also continue to work on future blog posts. Every couple of months I may decide to visit a museum.
During the early evening hours I like to start with cooking dinner. I’ll usually go the extra mile with my Sunday meals. The rest of the evening is pretty much devoted to beauty care.
With the extra time on Sundays and extra pampering, I’ll double mask (using two different masks). I like to start off by first using a mask that will detoxify my skin or some type of exfoliating acid based mask. The purpose of this is to deep clean my pores by removing toxins and dead skin cells. After that mask, I like to follow-up with a hydrating sheet mask.
While the sheet mask is applied, I use a face roller over the mask. This helps with further absorption from the mask into the skin. The facial roller is also great for de-puffing the skin and feels great!
Further Reading: Facial Beauty Tools
I’ve really been enjoying the Olapex No 3. Repair Mask. I usually apply it on Sunday nights, keep it in overnight and wash it out on Monday morning. I recently purchased the Briogeo Scalp Revival (Shampoo) and Don’t Despair (Deep Conditioner). I allow myself more time on Sundays to also extend self-care treatment to my body.
While I’m back and forth from shampooing and deep conditioning, I like to spend my extra time in the bathroom exfoliating my body. I was able to snag this great body duo kit from Caudalie during one of their recent friends & family sales.
My Sunday Shower Time is definitely the longest compared to the other days during the week. I spend this time masking, exfoliating and moisturizing. I love starting the week with exfoliated and moisturized skin.